Hello Yogis Happy March, Isn't it so welcome!
Have you noticed the small changes coming into our lives.
Change is the only constant, I say 'yes' too new, too different, too spaciousness, too light.
I am reminding you of March and April news.
Sunday March 24th back at Ashton Park School for a 75 min floor based class. Where we explore somatic movement and restorative holds.
No class on Monday 1st & 8th at Failand village hall.
No class Tuesday 2nd on line.
No class Wednesday 3rd Failand village hall.
I will be taking a 5 week break from teaching.
My last class will be Wednesday 24th April.
I hope to be back teaching on Monday 3rd June.
Your classes will continue at Failand village Hall with two different teachers.
Paula will be leading Monday mornings, she is a newly qualified teacher and lives in Failand.
Sinead will be leading you through your Wednesday evening practice, I trained with Sinead she runs a yoga studio with her Dad in Bristol.
The gym classes at Work-out and David Lloyd will be covered by the gyms.
The Tuesday on line will take a break ..I will keep you informed with that session.
I am going in for an operation, for me the 5/6 weeks recovery after will be my challenge !
Please keep practicing you have done so well, please remember showing up to practice is yoga, the asanas - (poses) will change as everything does, if we are consistent we will notice, accept and embrace change.
Be well my friends Jo 🌺
