This January we have been working on balance.
I don't just mean standing on one leg or pretty arm balances...
Fining the balance on the mat while practicing yoga poses do you push to the end range every time? or do you hold back not quite engaging? The sweet spot is between courage & caution. But also doing more sometimes, or doing less is sweet too!
Then we looked at feminine & masculine-this is from The stories behind the poses by Dr. Raj Balkaran.-The feminine & masculine work in tandem, and their essence runs far deeper than biology and sociology. These 2 principles inhabit all people the work go yoga is to bring them to balance.
We are now looking at waxing and waning just as the moon, and everything in nature that is forever changing just as we are...
What a wonderful way to start the year observing with awareness, kindness and respect how we can best serve ourselves. Thank you for starting the year with me.
Please don't forget to book Wednesday evening classes at failand when you purchase your class pass. there are spaces on Monday mornings also at Failand village Hall.
Also on Events page -
Sunday 11am 4th Feb Ashton Park Sports Centre in the dance studio a floor based practice. 2 spaces left.
Saturday 10.30am 17th feb Ashton Park Sports Centre dance studio. a 90 min full body & breath practice.
